Following is an update on Paul Goodman, who was first featured in the Pacific Citizen’s Feb. 19-March 4, 2021, issue. Goodman, a 29-year-old filmmaker from Orange County, Calif., was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia four years ago. An update on his condition was posted on May 21 by his mother, Bonnie Goodman.

Paul Goodman underwent a bone marrow transplant on March 12. (Photo: Courtesy of the Goodman Family)
“Some of you may remember a few months ago, there was a big push here to find a perfect match for my son, Paul Daisuke Goodman, who relapsed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia late last year. Although a perfect match was never found, he was able to move forward with his bone marrow transplant on March 12 with his sister, Laurie, as his 5/10 half-match donor,” Bonnie Goodman wrote.
“I’m happy to share with you that Paul is Day +70 and doing well. As expected with transplant, it’s been a tough road, but he’s getting a little bit stronger every day.
“Thanks to everyone who attended a live drive, requested a mail-in swab kit and/or shared Paul’s story to their friends and family,” she continued. “The Asian community continues to be very underrepresented in the BeTheMatch registry, so please continue to encourage your friends to join.”
Drive-thru registration events to find a matching donor for Paul Goodman, which took place throughout California, Hawaii, Texas and Washington, were facilitated by recruiters from the nonprofit organization Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M), along with friends and family members.
What started as a quiet and private battle soon exploded into a massive community undertaking.
“I can’t say enough how grateful we are to our friends, family and the Japanese community and entire Asian community as well as the Hafu (Hapa) community,” Bonnie Goodman told the Pacific Citizen.
For more information, contact Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches at