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Your Support of the P.C. Matters! Here’s How

By March 10, 2017April 10th, 2017No Comments

‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Send me your in-laws, your grandchildren and your neighbors. Send these, the fearless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door to JACL membership.’

— Modified quote from ‘Lady Liberty’

Thank you for your support of the Pacific Citizen Spring Campaign 2017. Your JACL membership matters! You are one of thousands of JACL members who believe in social justice, cultural and historical preservation and community empowerment. Here are a few things you can do with your JACL Membership:

  • Donate generously to the P.C. Spring Campaign. Please support the Pacific Citizen with a donation as an individual, a chapter or a district. Every dollar counts!
  • Place an ad in the Pacific Citizen advertising local businesses as well as for your chapter events such as scholarship, Obon festivals, installation luncheons and more. The P.C. receives the revenue, and your chapter gets commission as well.
  • Gift a membership to a friend, family member or a local library so they get the same news that you covet about the Japanese American and Asian American communities.
  • Join us for national events, such as leadership conferences in Washington, D.C., the JACL National Convention and gala cultural events.
  • Find and check us out on Facebook, Twitter and other social media venues.
  • Watch for your copy of the Pacific Citizen online. (Printed copy is $17/year).
  • Free admission to the Japanese American National Museum and eligibility for the JACL Credit Union.
  • Eligibility for JACL Scholarships, internships, fellowships and leadership programs.
  • More members mean more power to protect civil and human rights for all.
  • Membership dues are reinvested into our community by empowering tomorrow’s leaders and youth.
  • Your donation to the JACL allows us to print and circulate curriculum to educate students, teachers, administrators and politicians about Japanese American and Asian American history and values.

Please step up and support the P.C.’s 2017 Spring Campaign with a donation, an ad and a gift membership for a friend or family member. Do it today!

Best regards,

Jim Duff,

NCWNPD P.C. Editorial

Board Representative