ColumnistsLetters to the Editor ‘Right of Passage’ Rebuttal Following is a rebuttal statement to Gerald Yamada’s film review of the documentary ‘Right of Passage’ (Pacific Citizen, Nov. 13-Dec.…P.C. EditorFebruary 1, 2016
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor Live and Die by Tech Dear Editor, The National Board of the JACL has decreed that the Pacific Citizen will go completely digital. I warn the National Board,…P.C. EditorNovember 24, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor The Business Decision on Access to News Dear Editor, The question of the Pacific Citizen going digital is understandably a business decision, but for the generations who…P.C. EditorNovember 21, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor Reader’s Opinions Unheard Dear Editor, It was wrong for the Board to make a decision to go completely digital without asking opinions and/or…P.C. EditorNovember 20, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor Reader Learns About Japanese Culture Through a Printed Paper Dear Editor, Thank you for the invitation that appeared in “A Letter From the Editor” in the October 16, 2015,…P.C. EditorNovember 20, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor Troubling Issues Raised by SFV JACL Dear Editor, Troubling Issues Raised by Pacific Citizen Articles, Oct. 16-19, 2015 After reading the several articles describing plans for…P.C. EditorNovember 20, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor No Paper, No Membership Dear Editor: I want my Pacific Citizen as is. If the P.C. goes paperless, I will NOT renew my membership…P.C. EditorNovember 13, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor ‘P.C.’ Representing the JACL? Dear Editor, In the October 16-29, 2015, issue of the P.C., you asked for input on the impending conversion to…P.C. EditorNovember 10, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor Concerns about JACL Membership Dear Editor, Read your message in the most recent P.C. Thanks for asking for feedback! I’m afraid that JACL will lose…P.C. EditorOctober 28, 2015
ColumnistsLetters to the Editor Letters to the Editor: PC Readers React to Going All Digital Dear Editor, The recent communication that the paper version of the Pacific Citizen (P.C.) will be eliminated in the spring…P.C. EditorOctober 26, 2015