AsakawaColumnists Godzilla, the World’s Most Famous Japanese American By Gil Asakawa Although Hollywood has been making monster movies since the original 1933 film “King Kong,” the monster with…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
ColumnistsTateishi The Name is the Message By John Tateishi In March, Daniel Snyder, owner of the NFL franchise Washington Redskins, announced that he was creating the…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
ColumnistsTateishi Lessons My Grandfather Taught Me By John Tateishi One of the best memories I have of my early life was the time I spent with…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
AsakawaColumnists Springtime Means the Return of Warm Weather, and the P.C.’s Annual Outreach By Gil Asakawa The Pacific Citizen is about to sprout from a very long winter and bask in the sunshine.…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
ColumnistsTateishi The No-No Boys By John Tateishi Recently, the NCWNP district raised the No-No Boy issue, proposing that the JACL take a thorough look…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
ColumnistsYoshino The Miami Dolphins, Roughing the Trainer By Bill Yoshino , JACL Midwest Director The case of Jonathan Martin, a former member of the Miami Dolphins football…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
AsakawaColumnists Is Fake Belly Dancing a Form of Cultural Appropriation? This group performed at a Denver festival and claimed it was paying homage to Chinese dragon dancing at the same…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
ColumnistsTateishi The JACL and the Model Minority Myth By John Tateishi There’s a bit of a buzz going around the Asian American community about the controversial model minority…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
AsakawaColumnists Hina Matsuri Is Just One Way We Celebrate Our Roots Photo by Gil Asakawa By Gil Asakawa I grew up around dolls, but not the kind you play with. My…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014
AsakawaColumnists Food is the Foundation of JA Culture Spam musubi made for Sakura Matsuri by the ladies at the Denver Tri-State Buddhist Temple. Photo by Gil Asakawa By…P.C. EditorOctober 20, 2014